Predatory Loans

Pay day loans and title loans aren't just a bad idea. They're often illegal. In Pennsylvania, only federally regulated financial institutions are allowed to lend money at more than six-percent (6%) simple interest. Many times these predatory lenders operate through shell entities incorporated elsewhere and pretend that they are not conducting business in the state. This does not work, and in fact, many have been sued and have settled for millions. But because these illegal loans are so profitable, these outfits keep on lending and harming countless more.
At Kobylinski + Kobylinski, we have the experience, knowledge and resources to take these predatory companies on. We have sued these companies and won. If you or a loved one have been harmed by a predatory loan, call us. We can help put this nightmare into the past.
We never charge a fee for initial consultations*, and we take most cases on a contingent basis. That means we never charge a fee unless and until we get you paid.
* We do not provide free initial consultations for inquiries relating to claims of defamation.